Saturday, March 5, 2011

More than just a Hint of Citrus in the Air...

They are in bloom.  The citrus trees.  In the back yard.

While the air is misty with the pollen of live oaks, it's also combined with the heavenly smell of fresh citrus blossoms.  Natives say that only a few years ago (before the freezes, before greening), the spring time in Orange County, FL, was so heavily perfumed with fresh orange blossom scent it permeated the air everywhere.

For those of you lucky enough to smell an orange blossom even just once, you can understand how incredibly lovely it must have been to have an entire county smell like expensive perfume.

Orange blossoms are used extensively in perfumes today.  And, in Spanish lore, the orange blossom is incorporated into the bridal bouquet or hair for good luck.

If you're wondering around the central Florida area in the next few weeks, make sure you take a moment and stop to smell the citrus blossoms.  It's one of those once-a-year things that makes you happy to be a Floridian!

A few shots from the backyard... (White Marsh Grapefruit)

Once they blossom, the petals fall like a light snow beneath the trees.  If that's what a dusting of snow looks like in Florida, I'll take it!

UPDATE:  Snowfall in Florida Photo...note the blanket of tiny white blossoms

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