Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Eat your Heart Out - it's Artichoke Season!

If your local Publix hasn't started reminding you yet, they will soon.  Spring is the peak artichoke season.  I've found them really to be available in the produce section nearly year round, but the freshest harvest begins in early March.

A delectable delight at restaurants, in home preparation of a grilled artichoke is fairly easy - though a little time intensive.  First, a little info on the 'choke.  

It's really a flower bud...part of the thistle family and a perennial.  The globe artichoke is propagated in zones 7 and below, primarily in California.   Thought to have originated from North Africa, the name "artichoke" comes from the Arabic "Ardi-Shoki", meaning ground thorny.

Onto prep...

Grilled Artichokes with Simple Dipping Sauce
  • Steamer
  • Grill Pan or Grill
  • Artichokes
  • 1 Lemon
  • Olive Oil
  • Salt & Pepper
For Sauce
  • Greek Yogurt
  • Fresh Dill
  • Fresh Parsley
  • Salt & Pepper
  • Splash of Lemon Juice
First things first,  get your large stock pot out and start the water boiling with your steamer insert ready to go.  Then, begin with your artichoke, washed and placed on the cutting board:  

You're going to need to do some prep work, "destemming" and "dethorning" it; generally a serrated knife works the best for this: want to get rid of all of these thorns.  Kitchen shears work really well for this task:

Now that it's dethorned:

It's ready for the next step, adding a lemon slice on top to get ready for the steamer; the lemon helps to keep the edges moist through the steaming process:

Place into steamer:

And let them cook... 30-45 minutes, or until tender when pierced with a paring knife. 

Next, cut in half and drizzle with Olive Oil, I add just a little salt and pepper before placing on the grill...

Place on grill (or in this case grill pan) on medium heat.  This step doesn't take long, it's just to caramelize the edges and add a little flavor to the artichokes.  ...

I rotate mine halfway through to make the grill marks prettier...

Now the artichokes are done...the sauce is really really easy.

Just take about a 1/2 cup or so of greek yogurt, a handful of fresh herbs (in this case dill and parsley) that you'll chop up.

Place chopped dill and parsley into yogurt.  Add a splash of lemon juice and salt and pepper to taste.   It's a really great dip that's light and healthy with this combo. 

Bon Appetit!